Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : David Daney, Industrial control systems, 48h, L3, ITII, Polytech Nice, France

  • Master : David Daney, Medical robotics, 22h, M2, Master of Bio-Medical , Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis France.

  • Master : David Daney, Mathematics of robotics, 9h, M2, IPB, Bordeaux, France.

  • Master : David Daney, Health Technology, 10h, M2, IPB, Bordeaux, France.

  • Master : Hélène Sauzéon, UE Neuroscience cognitive, 6h, M2, Master NEURASMUS, Université Bordeaux Segalen, France

  • Diplôme Inter-Universitaire Antilles-Guyanne, Sciences neuropsychologiques, 30h, Université de médecine de Guadeloupe, France


  • PhD : Quentin Enard, “Développement d'applications logicielles sûres de fonctionnement: une approche dirigee par la conception”, University of Bordeaux, May 6, 2013, supervised by Charles Consel

  • PhD : Pengfei Liu, “Intégration de politiques de sécurité dans les systèmes ubiquitaires”, University of Bordeaux, January 17, 2013, supervised by Hélène Kirchner and Charles Consel

  • PhD : Tsounil Prashant Arvind Pala, “Approche écologique de l'évaluation de la mémoire épisodique dans le vieillissement normal et les neuropathologies”, University of Bordeaux Segalen, December 18, 2013, supervised by Hélène Sauzéon and Bernard N'Kaoua

  • PhD in progress : Stéphanie Gatti, “Architecture en composants et qualification incrémentale”, started in February 2010, supervised by Charles Consel and Emilie Balland

  • PhD in progress : Paul Van der Walt, “Certification d'une plateforme ouverte”, started in November 2012, supervised by Charles Consel and Emilie Balland

  • PhD in progress : Milan Kabac, “Orchestration à grande échelle d'objets communicants”, started in September 2012, supervised by Charles Consel

  • PhD in progress : Charles Fage, “Validation expérimentale d'un assistant numérique d'inclusion scolaire d'élèves collègiens porteurs d'autisme”, started in September 2012, supervised by Hélène Sauzéon

  • PhD in progress : Lucile Dupuy, “DomAssist : Assistance domiciliaire pour la personne âgée et son aidant formel basée sur la technologie DiaSuiteBox”, started in September 2013, supervised by Hélène Sauzéon and Charles Consel


Charles Consel has participated:

  • in the thesis defense committee

    • Miruna Stoicescu, University of Toulouse, France

  • in the thesis award committee of

    • Programming and Software of "Groupement de Recherche Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel (GDR GPL)"

Emilie Balland has participated in the thesis defense committee of Jimmy Lauret, May 15, University of Toulouse, France.

David Daney has participated in the thesis defense committee of:

  • Jorgé Alberto Rios Martinez, January 8, University of Grenoble, France

  • Julien Alexandre Dit Sandretto, September 11, University of Nice, France

  • Thibault Gayral, November 29, University of Nice, France

Hélène Sauzéon has participated in the thesis defense committee of Tsounil Prashant Arvind Pala, December 18, University of Bordeaux Segalen, France.